Reflections on LGBTQ+ History Month

It is LGBTQ+ History Month in February.

2024 marks 21 years since Section 28 was repealed. The law which banned the “promotion of homosexuality” in schools.
Limiting education in this way had significant effect in the UK, and it’s damaging legacy is far from over.

Current legislation here still excludes trans people from the ban on conversion therapy. 🏳️‍⚧️

Ignorance and micro aggressions remain an everyday occurrence, more so for those whose queer identities intersect with other marginalised protected characteristics.

However, I visited QUEER BRITAIN: the national LGBTQ+ museum recently. And in spite of the many ongoing challenges, it gave me real hope for queer joy.

I’m also inspired in witnessing ever-increasing diverse LGBTQ+ visibility in the media, for a future with ever-deceasing limitations.

And as this coming February is about history, here’s a recommendation for a classic, insightful read: Sister Outsider by the trailblazing Black lesbian feminist Audre Lorde. A book which has energised me in both doing the continuous work, and living my truth boldly as a bisexual/pansexual person.

Images purchased from Queer Britain, now proudly on display in my therapy cabin. If you'd like LGBTQ+ affirmative and non-judgemental support, psychotherapeutic counselling can help. Contact me for online options and in-person sessions in Bow, east London.

© Ellie Rowland-Callanan

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