Reflections on body image and retail therapy

A sometimes underestimated area of self care is developing a positive body image. As a therapist, self care is intrinsic to my practice. I cannot support clients well if I am not looking after myself. This is a shift from my previous career as a marketer, in which my outer image was polished but the […]

Reflections on countering work stress

Excessive stress in the workplace can spread fast but there are ways to counter it. Pleased to have contributed to this article by Yahoo Finance offering the psychological perspective: Why stress at work is contagious “Psychological safety can help to foster staff autonomy and increase authentic working relationships. When staff are treated with respect, and integrity […]

Reflections on exploring your thoughts

I wrote in Counselling Directory recently about the importance of having support when choosing to break cycles in our lives. But what happens before that? If we consider the trailblazing part of our lives to be the first book or movie in our own ‘hero’s journey’, how about the prequel?  Communities and their rituals  You […]

Reflections on International Women’s Day

Every year around Mother’s Day my mum comes into town and we have a day out, just us. It’s one of my favourite annual rituals. This year we decided to go to the Bank of England museum. My mum worked at the Bank of England for over 20 years. She started at the age of […]

© Ellie Rowland-Callanan

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